Friday, October 15, 2010

Then and Now

As a counterpoint to the Head Librarian's recent post on Brooks Brothers modern take on service uniforms I felt compelled to show how seriously they took their job when it counted.

The following scans are from The New Yorker, June 13 and 20, 1942.

The second photo shows a jacket rarely seen anymore, a summer plaid. Two things struck me about the photo. View the photo below as you would as a first time customer. There is a simple dignity about the drawing, and elegance that BB no longer espouses. The more striking thing, 70 years on is how not unreasonable todays prices seem.

BB has always been a high price spread, but translate a $14.50 seersucker suit to today's dollar and the value is still there. Quality may be another matter.



  1. Don't forget that Roosevelt stormed Cuba in Brooks Brothers.

  2. I still, two years later, have a couple hundred bucks left unspent on a large Brooks Brothers gift certificate that a kind friend gave me, just as the giant decline in both quality and design began at BB. I think my unspent funds sums up the current state of affairs at our old friend.

    Thsse pictures eloquently point up the decline.

  3. I like these:

  4. Flo: I prefer Ellie Stager's:

  5. I used to love Brooks Brothers as did my late husband.....alas....

    I have a Luxurious New Giveaway on my site....Do come and enter!!

    Art by Karena

  6. "I prefer Ellie Stager's"

    Mmmm yes; I was just trying to stay on topic & help DED redeem his gift certs ;)

  7. Flo DED is perfectly able to both shop at Ellie's and send his card this way.
