Saturday, October 30, 2010

I LOST !!!

What does it matter that I have no interest in sport? It doesn't keep me from wagering on it, as I did Saturday and was beaten badly, by a girl.

Earlier in the week I sent an email to long time blogging buddy, Mom on the Run of Abnormally Normal. Scratch her surface and she bleeds Nebraska red. Although based in Atlanta MOTR and her long suffering husband, Dad on the Run travel each year to a Huskers game or two.

Nebraska is leaving its athletic home, after this year, the Big 12 Conference, , to try its hand amongst the big boys of the Big 10 Conference. Today is the last time conference rivals Missouri and Nebraska will meet on the football field for some time. They have been football rivals since 1892, and I couldn't let the occasion pass unobserved, so I sent this challenge.

"This weekend could be the final Nebraska/Missouri football game for a while. Perhaps we should honor it with a small wager. Say 500,000 golden grickles, or a #2 Ticonderoga pencil with eraser? The loser must also announce the wager, and the result on their blog."

MOTR accepted with alacrity. The teams met Saturday, Missouri lost, I lost, the nation lost. Won't stop me from doing it again though.

My crystal ball is getting cloudy, so MOTR do you want the Grickles or the pencil? Get in touch and I'll post, post haste.



  1. Why the pencil, of course! And I appreciate the photo of University of Nebraska alumus Johnny Carson at the top of your post as well (he was a Fiji and a member of the Yell Squad).

  2. I was near certain Johnny was American. Fijian you say.

  3. Phi Gamma Delta--they'll show you his room in the fraternity house if you ask. ;-}
