Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Get your orders in early

Our Thanksgiving weekend is going to be almost comically awful. I've been anticipating it for ages and can't wait to share the details as we build up to the big weekend.

However badly our Thanksgiving may turn out, we still needs to observe the formalities. It's a traditional harvest feast after all, and traditional dishes are expected, that is why while driving along our driveway I almost missed the golden goose, to mix a metaphor.

Click on the photo, see the dots at the bottom of the drive?

They are turkeys, albeit not terribly large ones.

With a little notice, I could probably get the dogs to round up a few, we could then ship one to your house, allowing you the opportunity to fatten it up at home. What could be more traditional?

Should you care to dispatch your own, arrangements could be made.



  1. Ye Gods! Gather thou a blunderbuss and smite down the main course!

  2. I can't wait to hear what you've got planned for that weekend. In yrs past we have raised our own turkeys. It usually turns into a comedy as we end up with a 45 lb bird in a trash bag that won't fit into the oven and needs to be sawed in half while frozen.

  3. Why is your thanksgiving going to be so dreadful?

    My brother-in-law raises turkeys - he usually keeps 4 at a time and names them Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Lucky!

  4. A couple of years ago I almost harvested my own whilst driving to a client meeting. Cannonball with wings... yikes.

  5. ya know, you could borrow the "turkey chipper" from the fine town of wasilla, ak., that way you could ship them in a zip-lock baggie,

  6. My husband got one with his truck last year.

    Score Peterbuilt: 1 Turkey: 0

  7. I don't think you can fatten those minions up quick enough to offer hearty birds for the big day. Unless you mosey over to one of the sports arenas in your area and borrow some steroids.

  8. I can't wait to hear the stories leading up to Thanksgiving! I'll have to pass on the bird - my kids will have named it and befriended it in no time and then there's no way we could eat Toby the Turkey for dinner. :)

  9. I've found the quickest way to get rid of a pesky wild turkey infestation is to walk out the door carrying a shotgun...none to be found, anywhere

  10. The Ruger 20 over/under won't do...maybe the Browning Citori 12 is in order. Now where did I leave the damn shells? Wait, I got my first with a Winchester 94 30-30.
