Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We are being attacked

Living in the woods has many advantages. It's cooler in summer, the trees muffle traffic and airplane noise while simultaneously providing a perch for the birds of the forest to serenade us. I love it here, our private Eden.

The forest has had a magnificent growing season. A splendid year for crops, and in our case a bountiful harvest of acorns, walnuts and hickory nuts. The squirrels, deer, and mice have a bumper feast to tide them over the winter. Even Eden has thorns though.

The bane of my existence from mid September till mid October are the hickory nuts.

In the photo above, the flat roof portion is the extension of our kitchen (right) and family room. The center tree is an oak, the other two are an unknown to me species of hickory . As nuts are wont to do, when ripe they fall. The acorns are merely a nuisance, the hickory are dangerous.

A ripe hickory nut is about the same size as a good sized hailstone. Weights about the same too. During this time of year we are bombarded with the equivalent of falling rocks. On a windy day we are blessed with the steady pop sounds, and damage of a hailstorm.

On the far left of this photo is the first floor master suite. That too is surrounded by missile bearing nut trees. Imagine, waking to the sound of scampering little feet. Even knowing better, your first thought is "mice?". No, it's too early. The squirrels are having a picnic.

Supposedly, the hickory is related to the pecan. I'd like to gather them, use them in something, and feel virtuous for eating deer food, but I'm too chicken. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking if these were so good, I'd see hickory on grocery store shelves, but then I'm not allowed to go to the store.



  1. Yes Sir, the attack is being waged here on the Main Line. My pick up truck is full of acorns from the trees dropping their bounty all night and the walnuts hitting the roof will wake you from a sound sleep. The deer are in my driveway and the squirrels are like a bunch of heroin addicts running from Oak to Walnut.

  2. I suppose you can take some comfort in the fact that wildlife love hickory nuts. Or start Toad's Hickory Smoked BBQ.

  3. Hickory nuts are supposed to be good but Im thinking that there is not as many hickory trees as there are pecan and walnut and perhaps hickorys are tough nuts to crack! Thus, there is not money to be made in shelled hickory nuts.

  4. You have my deepest sympathy. I have the same thing you have, the bit of flat room with an overarching hickory tree and, in my case, a wooden deck down below. The noise, constant and deafening; sometimes they drop singly, sometimes in multiples, sometimes they drop to the roof then roll onto the deck for a second bomb. Day and night. My car, last count 17 hickory nut dents on the hood.

  5. I just read they are more flavourful than is a recipe...

  6. Why Toad....what had you been bringing home from the store pray tell!
