Friday, September 17, 2010

Grocery fun

It's rare when Mrs. T allows me unescorted access to a grocery. It may come to surprise you that I don't shop the way she does, alright so maybe I do select something(s) I may want, still I can't go. I do miss it occasionally though. It's hard to find a better people watching place than the local market.

At the same time, she prefers I don't tag along when she goes. I am falsely accused of "rushing" her. From what I gather my sole use at the grocery is that I remember where the car is parked, if that's any consolation. When I am allowed in, I'm obviously placated and sent for very specific items. If I'm good, I get a pat on the head.

Every now and then though, we make it fun. Ever play "tease the shoppers" ? Our version requires a quick wit, a thick skin, and an ability to make fun of yourself. TOS works best with 1 male and lots of female shoppers. It goes like this:

Picture a grocery aisle with several women and their carts. I'm driving the basket while Mrs T pulls something off the shelf. Demurely, I ask about a menu item, and naturally the women shoppers ears perk up. After hearing Mrs. T's commentary, I announce loudly enough to be overheard, "That's not how my mother made that".

The game, of course, is in her reply.

The honor of the sisterhood is at stake, as heads have turned to see how Mrs. T will deal with this afront. Of course, I'm going to get it and hard, but its all for show. Points are awarded according to how many women comment.



  1. That's a wicked game, Toad. Are you sure Mrs T enjoys playing? I'd hate to have my neighbours think I married a momma's boy... Remembering the location of the car is very useful, also carrying and loading up groceries. Or do they still have young men to do that there? I don't think there's ever been such a service here in the UK.

  2. Ah it's the little things in life. Well played Toad.

  3. I do somthing of that game, but I usually start loudly declaring "since WHEN does mayonnaise cost 4.79 a jar???"

    I do a lot of the shopping because I do a lot of the cooking - but I get stern warnings from the other half - I tend to buy LOTS of stuff.

  4. Oh, Mr. Blandings and I would have a lot of fun with that game.

  5. Hahahaha.
    We have a friend who likes to read the trashy magazine headlines in a very loud voice at the checkout and feign shock and surprise. : )

    I love the rare occasion when my husband comes along shopping. It's torture for him, but we come home with all sorts of treats I never would have purchased. He also keeps me out of the lipstick aisle, which is good.

  6. Ha! That sounds like fun. And what, pray tell, is Mrs. Toads equivalent of the game in male company?

  7. We do not grocery shop together, which is one of the reasons we are happily married. My husband does all the basic shopping and cooking. I buy the things that would freak his yankee self right out - gourmet cheeses, cherries, imported chocolate. It's better that he not know.

  8. SP, I am unsure if there is a a reverse to the game. The game is the quick retort, and reversed it could easily come off sounding cruel, or at least mean spirited.

    The second objection would be that Mrs. T has never met a stranger, so in male company we sound a lot like Nick and Nora.

  9. This grocery store game is a game the Mister would love. We used to attend a church, where--in the parking lot--we would often see another couple, well-known in our community as marriage counselors. Don't you know the Mister loved complaining in a loud voice how I always made him late everywhere we went? My bit was either to walk angrily ahead or to hang my head in shame. They never said anything to us, but we used to laugh and laugh thinking of how they must've expected us at their door every Monday!

  10. Hilarious. But not a game one can play with an Irish Redhead. My wife would instinctively forget the "game" and it would be "game on".


  11. This is my first visit here and to my delight I now have something to do today. I mentioned the game to my husband and he is ready to play. I'll make up my responses while he grabs the keys!

  12. I think I know where this store is - Scotland County, MO - cute little town, too.
