Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Amicus Canis

The British are known for their love of dogs. Sporting, working, pet, they don't care. The dog is an integral part of family life.

Dog art is also a strong part of the culture. In times past, the Lord of the Manor, found it cheaper to have a portrait of his dog or horse than wife. The stylish went for the dog's portrait.

While at the Dog Museum I came across a print of a collage by Peter Clark.

I love how each little pup comes to life in his work.

His work is available for sale here.


  1. LOVE the new header! I guess that Fall has officially arrived.

    I love these dogs...thanks for the heads up.

  2. I thought these were patchwork, but they are paper! How ingenious. V. inspiring.

  3. Very clever. Over the weekend, I kept trying to get profile photographs of my dogs so I could make silhouettes of them. Yes, I'm a dog nut. Love this post.

  4. Very cool. I will definitely take a look at the ones for sale.

  5. Isn't that Burl Ives sitting there in the short sleeved shirt-in the bar-on your masthead picture?

  6. ADG La Floridita in Havana means Hemingway.

  7. James you know your saloons way to well.
