Monday, July 12, 2010

Toad Shops Globe

I'd be happy to say I don't watch much television, but even I may be stunned by the length and breadth of such a lie. For Mrs. T, television is the background music of life, me I'll take Bach.

One show I do enjoy, and it pleases me to live in an era when my shopping lists via the convergence of the Internet, Google, EBAY, and PayPal, can be fulfilled by others rather than my having to roam the worlds markets is The Sundance Channel's Man Shops Globe .

Each week, Anthropologie's shopping guru scours the world for unique finds to fill their shops. As I watch the program I'm both amused by the scope of things available, while at the same time ethically challenged by the process of liberating local artisans wares, on the cheap to sell on the high street.

One episode stopped me in my tracks. Most boys are collectors, I'm no exception. While in Jodphur they stopped in the local market to see what treasures were available. I stood transfixed, as they quickly discarded rack upon rack of my childhood treasured lead British soldiers from the Raj.

Since we are each 6 degrees from a decent rolodex, it wasn't long before I discovered a source in Jodphur of my own. Shopping for silk for a new dress or suit lining? Check EBAY. Vintage Sari silk and crepe de chine at give away prices.

Thank you Paypal. If you happen to be in India, or have your own stash, I'm always looking for more, thank you very much.

Unknown to me until recently is that every last nut and bolt in an Anthropologie store is for sale. If you see it, it has a price. That is most unlike my favorite shops to eyeball, the adult disneyland of Ralph Lauren's flagship stores. As a rule, you risk having your hand slapped, along with a brief monologue with security if you so much as get too close to some of the display goodies.

So where does all Ralph's stuff go?

Sothebys of course.

With some regularity Ralph consigns old stock to Sothebys Auction House. The catalogs are breathtaking in their quality and breadth. Portraits, furniture, rugs, knicknacks. If you've seen it in a store, ad, or video, it will eventually end up at auction. Gavel prices while variable, won't usually take your breath away.

Ebay usually has stacks of old catalogs available.



  1. The silk is gorgeous. I'll have to take a look at that program.

  2. Seeing the many tin soldiers reminded me of one of my favorite children's books, The Brave Tin Soldier (I always called it The Little Tin Soldier) by Hans Christian Andersen. It was in the pile of books at my grandmother's house. Thanks for bringing back such a great memory!

  3. Hmm..vintage Sari silk on the cheap, this is intriguing-I could use more pillows.
    Thank you for the tip Toad-and I will take DeBussy.

  4. I keep forgetting to watch this, thanks for the reminder. Anthro has some very cool things sometimes, but the prices, ack.

    I did not know about the RL auctions. There's a woven indian rug (red deers on black) in tomorrow nights local auction here and the video said it came from one of the stores. Sadly I can't really use an indian rug.

  5. Tip of the hat for mention of your Blog in NYT Sunday mag...and those soldiers are great...I collect 1st World War Lead Soldiers...manoils and Barclays.

  6. Thank you sir. Can we make any assumptions about your fighter last weekend?

  7. Toad... I just picked up about 50 yards of Thai silks at an auction over the weekend for less than $40. Two of the lots were $5 each and the other was $25... got into a bit of a bidding war on that one. Some of the silk is sari silk and is incredible. Most is just the wonderful Thai stuff.

  8. David we are ignoring that for now.
