Sunday, July 25, 2010

Raising my game-again

This is a rerun of a very early post, December 22, 2008 in fact, a Sunday place holder if you will. If it's new to you I hope you enjoy, regulars bear with me.

I was watching Elvis Costello's program Spectacle the other day (recommended) and his guest was Lou Reed, with film maker Julian Schnabel showing up towards the end.

Now I love Lou Reed. The Velvet Underground was the band that finally got me over the Beatles. Maybe it was Nico, but who cares? Lou is a national treasure.

So along comes Schnabel. And suddenly, I'm curious. How does one elevate (if that's the word) their game so high, that your signature purple PJ's with white piping (as designed by his wife) becomes acceptable attire? Throw on a sport coat and you're out the door.

I can picture it the first time. Your not feeling well, need a cup of coffee, or something from the drug store, so you throw on a jacket, run in and go home. How, several days later and feeling better, do you come to the conclusion that the jammies were a pretty snazzy outfit, and decide that is your signature look? How do you get it past the wife, even if she designed them? How do you get past the derision of all you meet.

So I'm game. It's a new year and new years prompt new beginnings. PJ's have been done, and Hef has the silk robe market locked down. So what do you recommend? I'm thinking knee length Hawaiian shirts.



  1. What does one wear under a knee length Hawaiian shirt?

  2. Perhaps pajamas are all he can wear now due to his bulk.

  3. I think it's a look that should be reserved for parties...maybe parties you hold in your own home?

  4. I do so hope that he wore it properly, i.e., untucked, and that he put his ballcap on backwards later. One must observe the standards, mustn't one? BTW, WHERE is his glaring white T-shirt?

  5. I strongly feel pajamas should be kept within the confines of one's home.
    Unless of course you are so ill you are placed on a gurney and the neighbors happen to catch a glimpse of you in passing, other than that..they should NEVER leave your home with you in them.
    Have a lovely one.

  6. seems to work for Uncle Hugh... for decades....
    I do not even own a pair of PJ's....don't see the need or utility...

  7. What do you think of his work (films & paintings) ?


  8. I think he is a very talented painter. Films maybe not so much, save Berlin.

  9. The Dude abides!

    Weren't there some famous female movie stars in the 1950s who gave interviews while propped up in bed, in some fetching silk bedjacket? It would appear that he has things a bit backwards.
