Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trump Home

Have you seen the ads?

The world famous paragon of good taste and refinement, Mr. Donald Trump has launched a line of home furnishings. After his television program kicked Marta's in the TV ratings, he is now going to take her on in her own game.

I came late to this party, and didn't know Don was in the boudoir biz until I saw the Donald himself touting his line of Serta Trump mattress on the telly.

I was certain the mushrooms I ordered with dinner had been altered, but no, there he was, big as life. Mrs. T says she saw it too.

Mattresses just like the ones he could put in any of his hotels if only. For only 2 or 3 times retail Don's mattress will come to your house, giving you the night you deserve. I fear it would stunt my sleep.

A quick trip through Google Shopping uncovered loads of Don's furnishing ideas, from lamps and chandeliers to sheets and towels. With Trump on the job, who needs Architectural Digest? It may as well close too.

You don't you suspect Donald's new focus on design and furnishings will take any of the cache away from his world's greatest steaks, or wettiest water, do you?



  1. I had the idea he had his fingers in so many pies. I just thought he built buildings in Chicago, collected arm candy wives and did...business. I don't know anything about the man that would cause me to give him my money for wet water or meaty mattresses.

  2. Sorry, that should have read ' I had NO idea'!

  3. Toad he also has a mens clothing lone you should check it out for the time being there are no hair products,but Im sure its in the pipe line once he convinces us that he we all will be sporting a comeover

  4. I think he has branded all sorts of things - I remember on his show a few years ago his goal was to brand every product out there.

  5. I suppose that diluting a brand is a sad thing. But only in cases where the core brand was a show stopper of impressive magnitude to begin with.

  6. Hmm, don't think I would take design advice from The Donald. Just can get past the comb-over.

  7. The son seems pretty creepy as well.

  8. The Trump Apple didn't fall too far from the Trump Tree?

  9. Junior IS creepy isn't he. Someone's going to find a dead body in his trunk eventually.

  10. Mr. Trump is a clearly a bourgeois. Crown prince of Vegas schmucks. Poor bastard will do anything for a buck!

  11. David that is the hardest I've laughed in a long time

  12. I was quite surprised by the addition of Trump's name to the line of Sertas during my recent adventure purchasing a mattress for my 3yo. Of course I had to try it out and well, I wasn't impressed.

  13. Okay, the water thing is a joke, right? Actually I admire the man... he started with nothing but the approx. $150 million his developer dad left him.

  14. Jack look it up. Don is happy to sell you bottled NYC tap water.

  15. Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone is going to have to come in a pick me up and sedate me after this post.

  16. DED, do you have a sudden affection for Don's Serta mattresses?
