Sunday, May 2, 2010

Getting in touch with my...

Could it be, my life's love has filled the salt shaker with estrogen?

I'm a reader. Mostly non-fiction. During the past week, I can barely read a book start to finish without getting caught up in the sad parts.

Imagine you're writing a book. The publishers expect you to follow the standard arc. Intro, dull bits, conflict, cure.

I can't get through the drama. I'm reading a book because I care, or want to care about the subject. Get to the the trauma and I wanna fix it. Makes no difference if it happened long ago, to people long dead, or a buddy. I can make it better, if only....

I've got to snap out of this. A book a day has shown up this week, most of which I dare not crack, for fear of becoming forever tainted. TIVO is filled with half watched movies I can't man up to finish. This is awful.

It's cook books for me this week. Food porn. No drama, no fixin's.



  1. I go through spells where I'm fed up with fiction, normally my first choice. Cookbooks interest me, but I find them overwhelming -- too many ideas, more food than I can possibly ever eat!

    Women's biographies are good for me, inspiring. I can't fix all of my life issues, but I can hopefully learn from how others fixed (or didn't) theirs.

    Living abroad and being frugal, I've not experienced TIVO or Netflix or a whole host of new-fangled technology...We shall see if I tackle all that

  2. when we move back (got cut off!)

  3. How are you enjoying Kid Carolina? I'm considering it for my summer reading.

  4. I am enjoying the story, but it feels like it was written either by or for a 12 yo

  5. Cook books, eh? I like reading them better than I like cooking.

    I'm on a fiction binge myself lately. Just finished "The Help" and before that "Remarkable Creatures" - thumbs up for both.

  6. Are you enjoying the Mark Twain biography?

