Monday, April 19, 2010

In preparation for summer

In Mayberry, cream soda is red. Don't judge me, I don't make the stuff. You gotta roll with what ya know.

When we were kids, as a rare summer treat, my mother would get what passed for a 2 litre bottle of Vess Cream Soda and a half gallon of vanilla ice cream and made ice cream floats.

My dad didn't like root beer, so I wasn't to learn of root beer floats until much later. When I did learn, I accepted the superiority of root beer as a convert accepts his new faith, forsaking all others.

So Mrs. T returned from the grocery yesterday with the old "give this a try. Let me know what you think", says she.

As soon as I come up for air, I'll let her know. In the mean time stock up. Works great as a stand alone, or in floats.



  1. good question is...why didn't anyone think of this sooner?

  2. I'm sure you'll not find it on the prairie -- ours runs to the tried and true flavors. But I'll look for it -- as a child we only had root beer at the stands -- we never had floats -- too expensive -- those were made at home!!!! With any and all flavors!

  3. I dont know that I have ever had a root beer float - I have always had Coke floats so now I will need to try a root beer one!

    Cream soda comes in pink and ecru here :O)

  4. As a young person, my grandmother always prepared a "Black Cow" for each of us children while visiting her over the summer. Scoops of vanilla ice cream smothered with root beer served with a straw and an iced tea spoon. Mmmm... good.

  5. Oh MY! I'm such an ice cream junky! And this just might send me over the edge - you are just as evil as I!

    Just this afternoon I bought French Vanilla and Orange Sherbet to make CREAMSICLES!
