Thursday, February 11, 2010

The end is nigh

Even I couldn't make this up.

The rest of the story is either sadder or funnier, you pick.

The sign is real. The plan was for The Pad to collect lots of yoga mats, send them to Haiti and lots of homeless folks would have a more comfortable place to lay their heads.

Imagine what happens next.

The Pad mails off their mats to some unsuspecting do gooder in Haiti. Do gooder, opens the box, sees the mats and says, "huh?" , we ain't doin much yougurt here.

Option 2: Do gooder opens the box, puts on his official hat. "These here mats are used, I can't give these out. Put 'em in the box of ratty clothes Goodwill and Red Cross are sending to Africa".

Very few good deeds go unpunished.


  1. Sadly, that's usually the way it works, isn't it?

  2. One man's trash is another man's...trash.

  3. I'm without words on this one as well...

  4. Oh boy, the chief good idea thinker upper at The Pad must have been absent that day.

  5. Hahaha! This kind of thing happens so often. There was just a story in our local paper about the waste of perfectly good oranges dropping off the trees in the State Capital park. I mean we could be feeding the homeless, right? The article then goes on to say the oranges are not really good for eating, but are the kind for making can just imagine where my mind goes from there.

  6. Don't you hate it when people misuse their fruit?
