Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Says who?

I was at the dentist last week. The concierge asked that I come in early to fill out the all important 3 page paper work. Page 1: How do I get paid? Page 2: What have other medical types told, so you don't sue me? Page 3: What brings you here today?

I'd cracked a tooth, and was tired of spitting fragments. Pretty straight forward, and I was taken care of quickly, professionally, and painlessly. Then the dentist read my entrance exam.

"Looks like you're about due for a cleaning", the good Dr. suggested.

Why? says me.

"Says here you haven't been to the dentist in a while."

What the form said, was that I hadn't been since early in the first Reagan administration. I know because I wrote that.

"Do they need cleaning or do you want to clean them?" I inquired.

Seeing that he wasn't getting a new boat out of me, I was turned loose, without a follow up appointment.

That experience got me to thinking.

How much of what is spewed at us as gospel, is created out of whole cloth, by folks with a vested interest in our fleecing?

Did people need to go to the dentist twice a year, before the American Dental Association was created?

Please, I am not for a minute advocating that you ignore your health, but really, do you really need that appointment?



  1. Am too miserable at missing the Maharajahs to comment. Have been planning to go since November, the black cloud has descended...

  2. I'd rather give birth four more times than have my teeth scraped and be lectured. We found a new dentist who doesn't lecture and is still with his first wife (which means he doesn't need to invent imaginary problems to make $$$$). Our previous dentist was the worst about that. The last straw was when DOTR got an email that he had an appt. He didn't remember making it and didn't think he was due for a cleaning, but he showed up anyway to find out it was a "consultation" on what new things they could sell him. I was furious and they were FIRED on the spot.

  3. I had not been to the dentist for a while and guilt and fear (no kidding) drove me back. All was well, including a bit of gum I brush vigorously. I asked if I needed a graft (which several of my friends have had) and he said, "Oh, no. If anything we could put a sealant on it like we do for kids' teeth." One of my friends thinks that all this "stuff" that needs to be done is the result of fluoride in the water.

  4. ahhh you bring up a good point. I know I am due to go to the dentist but havent been since my senior year in college cause I know I could never afford a dentist as good as the one my parents insurance paid for. I think you post is a sign I need to get on that. Let the fleecing begin...

  5. The last two dentists my husband and I have been to have conference rooms where the dentist meets with us to discuss all the work we need done. Old fillings show signs of wear and should be replaced, maybe we should pull a tooth and get an implant. I'm avoiding dentists with conference rooms.

  6. As per usual you are right on target. Most people just set there and say "Uh OK". Like you I'm not going to help pay off his boat.

  7. Toad, I loathe, well that is a strong word, I really avoid going to the dentist. Once a year or so is fine with me. I chipped a tooth and do need to have it repaired!

  8. Our dentist is a nice guy. Has his home and office in a lovely old captain's house. His wife teaches at the high school. He's had his practice in our teeny town since forever. I tend to trust what he says, moreso than the dental conglomerates I used in the city.

    He says twice a year, I go twice a year. He's never sold me a proceedure, never replaced fillings that are still intact. So far, so good.

  9. When I die I plan to leave my corpse to the body farm for reasearch. If they inspect my cadaver well they'll find I have a crown among my lower right teeth. And on the crown they will see that the lab painted a Kansas Jayhawk.

    I guess I'm lucky, when I asked my dentist how much it would cost he said he'd pick up any extra charge.

  10. someday i'll write about the graduation Mrs. T and I went to at the local crack a back college. The commencement speech was truly eye opening for all laymen.

  11. Gail, in northern CaliforniaJanuary 19, 2010 at 3:44 PM

    In between storms....and only one power outage....glub, glub.

    Ours is a small town and my dentist is a luv. I treasure him. But I understand what you're saying about "other dentists". The latest little thing they've got going are "pockets along the gum line" which require an immediate referral to a specialist.

    Your reference to "the concierge" tickled me.

  12. For many years in Australia we just had the old Dentist and now we have the Dental Hygenist (spelling?) - how turns out to be a nurse with a touch of training . what a load of you know what!
    I am with you brother!

  13. Worse than a mammogram. I still do it, but still. . .
