Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tux shirt shopping

I was minding my own business this afternoon, window shopping on line, sorta unsuccessfully looking for a tux shirt, when I came across this number.

Brought to you by the wonderful folks of Pakeman Cato and Carter Seemingly the back is the same polka dot mix.

Have you ever?



  1. I am alternately speechless and giggling madly. Mr tIO will enjoy seeing this as well.

    By-the-way, your banner background is wonderful; so festive!

  2. I've never! -- would you wear it with a pink tuxedo?

  3. Only if performing in a magic show in Vegas!

    I was being nosy and reading some of your posts from last year - Casablanca is my favourite movie and the end surprises me too every time I see it! It's nice to know someone else feels the same way!

  4. As Monte Python's crew would say, "Run awauy! Run away!"

  5. SP: its not being nosy, its saving me from having to remember things. Casablanca is the best movie ever, after Lawrence of Arabia, 'nuf said.

    Oddly, the shirt becomes less offensive the more you see it. After all, a gentleman never removes his jacket. A hidden pleasure so to speak. Just kidding.

  6. IO, the banner is a stylized view of the town of Labadie, Mo. Our January wedding reception was held there, once upon a time.

  7. I haven't. And I HAVE done a lot of stuff.

  8. I'd say go for it.
    Basic black tuxedo, black tie/cumberbund then that shirt WHAM! Fun as shit.

  9. Hmmm, sort of brings to mind a jockey's silks.
