Saturday, December 26, 2009

Now that that's over with

You know the old adage about when you have nothing to say... I'm there.

In the mean time, drop whatever you are doing and see Sherlock Holmes, with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude law.

But I don't like Sherlock Holmes, you say. It's only a character's name. No elementarys, no deer stalkers, no resemblance to any Holmes you have ever encountered. It is a fabulous movie.

Age appropriate for those over 10. No sex, no language problems. Some violence, but less than a video game.

But what a movie. Long too. A tad over 2 hours. Perfect for droppping the kids off.

David of Midwestern Malaise, should you see it, I challenge you to who can have abs like Robert Downey Jr, by this time next year contest. Let the games begin.



  1. I can't really tell if you liked it, but I plan to see it with my oldest. TMC ran a marathon of the old ones last week. I'm such a sucker.

  2. This is my pick for movie of the year.

  3. I'm not much of a moviegoer, but after seeing the trailer for Sherlock Holmes it does look promising. We went to see Nine Christmas afternoon. Strong cast, and I still can't recommend it.

    So RDJr has inspiring abs? I'm going to have to get busy on Wii Fit.

  4. Is it hard to follow the plot? Not that it really matters, since I'm usually at the movies for the popcorn and sno-caps........

  5. But since I am a fan of Sherlock Holmes I'm taking a pass.

  6. Patsy the plot is pretty good. In fairness, my bride hated it, but she went in with a bad attitude. Her eye was on Meryl and Steve and that Baldwin boy, but it was my turn to pick.

  7. Thanks for the recommendation, Toad. Will definitely see, especially as I adore RD,Jr.
