Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year'e Eve

The Scottish New Years celebration is known as Hogmany. It's imperative to wear a mask. The dour Scots are afraid someone will see them having fun, and call their parents. My daughter's in-laws hail from this neighborhood. Mercifully, my family is from a bit further west.

The Irish New Years celebration is known as drunken brawl. It involves consuming copious alcoholic beverages. Masks are periodically worn, to throw off the police, and the innocent victims.

Whatever your family tradition, party hardy, be safe and come back tomorrow in one piece. We'll leave the light on for ya.



  1. I have a post scheduled to appear today on Hogmanay :O)

    I hope you had a great Christmas! All the best for 2010!

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  3. I hope you had a great Christmas! All the best for 2010!

    Work from home India

  4. Happy New years! LOVE the header pic.
    The Irish tradition was mine when young, now much quieter.
    Afternoon movie, sushi, meet with friends, have a bit of drink, ring in New Year, asleep by 12:30am. Up at 7am for paddle tennis/bloody Marys. Isn't it funny that the morning after is more decadent?

  5. Happy New Year! Thanks for writing this terrific blog.

  6. This post is tremendous. My husband has great stories of Hogmany past. He said his Scottish family (Aberdeen) would plan for weeks their celebration and the whole neighborhood would travel from house to house and party for 48 hrs without sleep. I would definitely have to wear my Snuggie for that to crawl in the corner for a cat nap. Happy New Years Eve to you and the Mrs. Ring in 2010 big!

  7. It appears DT is into the sauce already
