Sunday, December 13, 2009

Guess who's winning

Last spring I posted about a group of neighbors who were jealous because one of their own installed his very own art display and didn't ask his neighbors to join in the fun. This being America, those left out sued.

They sued in local, county, state and Federal court. The local court punted. The municipality said they had nothing on the books to prohibit art displays. The county said, as long as it is safe... They eventually dropped the state suit and went to the Feds, who being in no particular hurry, set a hearing date for several weeks after the rapture. In the mean time construction continues.

It may come as no particular surprise to learn that the closer you live to this project, the less excited you are about it. Known as "The Holocaust Revisited" it exhibits the subtle interplay of religious expression and property rights.

Especially for the back yard neighbors.

The display shows best a night. It's well lit, lest trespassers trip over the art.

The artist is one angry dude. So next time one of your neighbors offends,take a deep breath. Your house is probably sellable. You could probably leave. Not these folks, not only must they face this everyday, but the have to face the regular special neighborhood assessments to pay the lawyers. The artist, whose legal defense is provided by the ACLU and several Jewish groups, is also being sued for not contributing to the suits against himself. Go figure.



  1. A few miles from here we have an artist community called The Ardens in which crazy things like this are all over the place. The good thing is they tend to keep the sculptures to their area. It is actually fun to drive through the town and see what they have decorating the lawn now.

  2. That's really awful. The local jurisdiction's zoning department seriously failed the community. Nobody should have to live next to that. The people next to that disaster will never recoup the investment in their houses. This is why we have zoning.

  3. The only real answer probably involves black ski masks and a very quiet pick up truck, left running, lights off, at about 4am.

  4. What a huge mess. Maybe I am thankful for boring, dull neighbors?! ;D

  5. Yikes. In Austin, such, uh, artistic yard renderings are not uncommon, but even I haven't seen one with a subject matter like this.

    And thank you for the kind thoughts over on my little site.

  6. It is actually fun to drive through the town and see what they have decorating the lawn now.

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  7. It is actually fun to drive through the town and see what they have decorating the lawn now.

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