Thursday, September 3, 2009

Your opinions please

Friends, ADG asked over the weekend what my new blog, In High Cotton was about. I have neither the skills or attention span to write more than one blog, so IHC was created as a test bed for layout and template changes I have been considering.

Frankly, I'm torn. I like the current set up. I am used to it. I know it. However it may be time for a change.

Teach an old dog...

So I solicit your opinions. Click on the link. Take a look see, and let me know what you think. It needs some tweaking, but it may be viable.

To the Manner Born

I await your broadsides, and thank you once again.



  1. Oh, it is so hard for the eye to get used to something new. I like the old Toad. But I like the new Toad, too, and will follow you wherever and with whatever background you choose. I'm here for the words.

  2. I too am here for the thoughts but the new site has a younger, hipper vibe and yet is has a warmth to it too. I like the new version but may grow weary of it after a while . . . as such, changing the blog layout may be like decorating a store - change stirs interest.

    Please don't change the content as I enjoy being surprised by the varied topics.

  3. I like the old. The new images just don't seem to belong together. Kinda' - what doesn't fit in this picture? I don't have a real strong opinion about it though. What I'm drawn to is your writing style and wit. I love reading your entries. Who cares what it looks like!

  4. I like it.
    I think it illustrates what you are,
    a hip traditionalist!

  5. i like it!! it looks like a traditional writing desk. i'm a fan!

  6. I am with Mrs. Blandings and Skorpeo. I love both layouts.

  7. Like everyone else I'll be reading regardless of format.

    If forced, I could argue either side. It's visual interest versus visual clarity. Should you go with the new layout consider a different font for the header.

  8. Gail, in northern CaliforniaSeptember 4, 2009 at 12:20 AM

    I've always loved the old car, spitting and sputtering, up and down the English country roads...Mr. Toad's wild ride.

    New Toad -- love the dogs, hate the guns. Coffee-stained journal nice touch for the header.

    But, like the others...I'll follow you anywhere

  9. Thank you all for your opinions. It occured to me throughout the evening that if I had to ask, it probably wasn't right.

    I may keep searching. In the mean time, you're stuck with the tried and true.

  10. I like the photos there, I like the banner. But much easier for me to read black print on a white background. If it was easier to read on a colored background, newspapers would have adopted the practice long ago.

  11. I really like it. Crisp and clean...XXOO

  12. I started out with that brown-wallpaper template. But I got bored with jumbled.

    I, also, will read regardless.

  13. I agree with Guiseppe... That brown background is too jumbled and very common amongst people who want that vintage look. It's a very busy look. I think you need something that's not "off the shelf".

  14. Agreed with Meg.

    Regardless, I've just noticed your header as I usually read you through Google Reader... no formatting really ... it's very nice. It's the content that grabs and doesn't let go.
