Monday, September 21, 2009

THE haircut

I was at the barber earlier this week. Long time readers may recall the woman who cuts my hair is gorgeous, and barely street legal. As a reminder that I'm older than her father, I generally wear something, or drive something to my appointment older than she.

This week, in the next chair ( do they call them that in salons?) was a young woman getting THE haircut.

The guys know what I mean. It comes without warning or discussion. We're presented with a fait acompli, and our lives are changed, forever. Most never see it coming.

The women know exactly what I mean. It's the haircut that comes shortly after, if not the first, then certainly the birth of her second child.

Your girlfriend, lover, wife, mother of your children, is shorn of her beautiful locks. The tresses you've known forever. Gone!

Intellectually, we understand. She's busier now. Doesn't have time for such frippery as her hair. Tresses tugged at by infants. Grubby little hands smeared with oatmeal, baby food or worse.

It's the first public display that you've slipped a notch.

Gents, it will happen to you. When it does, there is only one response. YOU LOVE IT!!!!!!

Mourn quietly, alone.



  1. i've heard a dime-store psychologist tell me women usually cut their hair when they are unhappy in their lives. it's a way of "un-beautiying" themselves as a subconscious act of self-sabotage.

    the dime-store psychologist who told me this? my girlfriend at the time...just before she cut off her hair.

  2. Hmm, "the first public display that you've slipped a notch." Are you saying that your wife has slipped a notch in your eyes or she has slipped a notch as far as her beauty is concerned? What is it with men and women's hair?

  3. Sorry to hear of you decision, but I completely understand. I'll keep an eye out for you on the internets.

  4. Gail, in northern CaliforniaSeptember 21, 2009 at 3:58 PM


    Knowing you (as I surely don't), it was a decision you've wrestled with for some time. Won't you reconsider? Not enough hours in the day? Other things must take priority? Never's none of my business.

    Be well, be happy, be safe.

  5. Gosh, it just can't be so. Though, who am I to tell you what to do. Will a little nudge from us spur you on? How about only for a weekly entry instead of every day? I've certainly enjoyed all your posts and looked forward to them . . . my few moments of solitude with a distant friend. THANK YOU!

    Best wishes in your journey through life. May your days be filled with good health, interesting endeavors and someone to love. - K

  6. Toad. You can't go man. You were my inspiration for blogging. You have a duty-an obligation that transcends your own motivations. Once per week my man-once per week.

  7. I'm sad to think of losing your insight. I agree with ADG-- once a week would work! Or whenever the spirit moves you. We'll be patient. . .

  8. I'm leaving you on my blogroll just in case.

  9. This is not cool. I follow ADG and Kathy, you and a few others are the who inspired me to start Southern Gent. Say it ain't so.


  10. This is a brilliant post and so, so true...

    I came home with this cut earlier this month and was faced with a 'WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO'
