Friday, July 3, 2009

Thanks Mrs. News Reading and More Odds and Ends

I'm a reasonably patient guy. I can be an impulsive shopper at times, but generally I'll mull an idea around for a while before pulling the trigger. There may be half a dozen wish list items rolling around my fantasy closet at any one time, and slowly but surely I'll either succumb, or give up the ghost.

That said my list just got shorter.

Long time reader, and now Channeling Bunny contributor, News Reading Wife, of the award winning blog, Breaking News sent me an email, earlier this week regarding an item she wanted to post on Channeling Bunny. Hooray I said, and she promised to post soon. In our exchange of emails I asked her if she knew about "The Man".

"The Man" is the logo of Wm King Clothiers in Bristol Tennessee. Southern Proper made a batch of custom ties for the shop and I have long wanted one, based upon the picture on Southern Proper's Custom page.

In about a minute she replies they only have bow ties and only in navy blue. She had to be in the store, it's the only excuse for knowing this. Five minutes later, my wallet is lighter.

My tie arrived today. Thank you News Reading Wife.

2. Once again I come hat in hand seeking your recommendations.
Continuing on my Somerset Maugham theme, I looking for a book suggestion. What I am looking for ideally a history ( a novel will do in a pinch) that picks up where Maugham left off in Southeast Asia.

Ideally,set in the period immediately following the end of the Second World War, but before the Viet Nam War. Something other than the Quiet American.

What I want to know is, what happened when the Dutch and Brit ex-pats returned to their rubber and tea plantations and tried to pick up the pieces

Any ideas?

3. Driveway tomorrow, I promise.

Have a SAFE and happy holiday my friends.



  1. Toad...Once again...I DEMAND that you go to or powells or some other cheap used booksite and order the following TODAY....

    Golden Boy: Memories of a Hong Kong Childhood by Martin Booth.

    Booth lived with his British Foreign Service milquetoeast father and incredibly adventurous mother in post WWII Hong Kong. Author Booth finally wrote his recollections at the urging of his own kids when he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He also wrote a book titled Opium ... yep-a history of the opium trade. You might as well snag that one while you are at it.

    You are going to love his Hong Kong memoirs. It's Raffles-esque and Colonial and ....

  2. Ten minutes later....damn Toad...thanks for making my wallet lighter. Just spend almost fifty bucks on the Carolina green and pink pocket square and put myself on the waiting list for the replenishment of their seersucker ball cap. Gotta love the free markets. Free?

  3. I lied about tomorrows post. I am going to wake up in KC so have a great 4th, driveway Sunday.

  4. ADG: the library has it, I'll pick it up monday. Thanks for the tip.

  5. Toad...good luck with the roadwork. Let me know how you like the book.

  6. Reading suggestion: _The Great Fire_ by Shirley Hazzard (a novel).

    Exquisitely crafted. Set after WWII in China and Japan. Great stuff.

  7. Thanks IA. I have ordered from the library, and look forward to it.
