Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wanna make my life easier?

All fellow bloggers in favor of making my life easier raise your hands.

Good. here's how.

Add the gadget to your blog layout that says "Subscribe" (followers is good too!).

Since I am inherently lazy, I'm trying to load as many of my favorite bloggers into Google Reader, as I can. I consider it one stop shopping. Via Reader I am unlikely to miss even a day of your favorite posts.

Just thinking out loud, and thanking you in advance.



  1. Thank you, I have taken advantage of your benevolence, and signed on.

  2. This may not be welcome news, but blog lovin is a better reader. I know that is annoying as you have already started loading google reader. But - you know how GR is just loading text and pictures? Blog lovin (forgive its name - its not to blame) shows you the actual blog page so all the color and info on the margins, etc. is retained. I swear it's worth it.

    Also, I thought having everything in reader would make things easier and faster. Easier, yes. But now I find I check it nearly as compulsively as my email. You've been warned.

  3. Thanks Mrs. B. I don't care where I read it, but I would prefer to find it in one place. I think it would be especially good for those who don't write daily.

  4. I'll try and figure out how to do this.

  5. I love reader, couldn't live without it.
