Saturday, June 27, 2009

Odds and Ends

I'm going to miss Farah. For those too young to have known her in her heyday Ms. Fawcett was more than a drunken bimbo on David Letterman. She will always be rightfully remembered for two things. 1. She looked pretty good in a swimsuit, and more importantly

#2. In perhaps the nadir of women's fashion, the mid 1970's, thousands of young women traipsed to their beautician with a photo of Ms. Fawcett in their purses and said I want my hair like that. She was the Jennifer Anniston of her day. Single handedly, Farah made girls worth looking at. Their outfits certainly offered no reason to.

Keep in mind, the woman could not act, but that does not necessarily grease the skids for her oblivion. I'll remember her fondly.

Respects to her son and family.

No comment. As I write this his spokespeople are sticking to the heart attact story. Reminds me of the gov and the AT however.

Respects to his family.

Channeling Bunny
Channeling Bunny needs your input. Holiday, party,va(stay)cation, backyard news, pictures, fashions, tips, ideas, and hopes dreams and aspirations welcome.

The Sartorialist
Every now and again I get the notion that Scott's losing it. I realize the impossibility of the task he has set for himself, and admire the career he has created, but sometimes I just wonder what he has done with himself.

Then he does something like this.

I either blame or credit The Sartorialist for my interest in men's clothing. I found him early in his blog career, at a time when I was seeking something sartorially special. Scott showed me the way. I'll never doubt him again.

Wearable Towel?
One of the reasons many of you lament the heat, is that you're forced to put your slanket away for the season. Worry not my friends, now there is the wearable towel. Perfect for warm weather occasions which require that something extra. I endorse the white or blue toga.



  1. I will say, I haven't scrolled down on the Sartorialist for a while - but that is a great shot.

  2. Great post Toad. Agree re Farrah. My colleagues and I were talking yesterday-respectfully-about her poster that sold 12 million copies. We all had it. My mamma made me take mine down.

  3. Toad, I wasn't sure if you were the Toad over at channelling bunny. I like that site and would love to see it become more active. If I knew anything about style I'd give you a post.

    I learned about The Sartorialist when he used to pimp his blog over at Ask Andy. I really loved all the street shots he took and became less interested as the blog became more focused on the fashion scene. Even so, I have great respect for the success he has made of himself.

  4. Longwing there is no other. Style has nothing to do with it. Fun does. I've had the same experience with the Sartorialist. Every now and then he raises the bar.

    drop me an email, and I'll sign you up for CB.
