Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Charles Robert Watts-Cool Guy

Charlie Watts, one of the world's "Cool Guys". Today is his 68th birthday.

Has had the same day job since January, 1963. Married, 45 years to the same woman. Complains of insomnia when away from home, and his wife is not with him. Avoided most of the excesses of the 60's,70,s, and 90"s. A mid-life crisis in mid 80's was a bit rough.

Throat cancer survivor, vegetarian.

Commercial artist, Arabian horse breeder, musician, jazz aficionado, Saville Row habitue, elegant boulevardier, citizen of the world.

The day job involves music. Charlie is the drummer for a rock band. Perhaps you've heard of them. Maybe sent a bit of cash their way. The Rolling Stones.

Few of you were born when Charles began his day job. Allowing for regular vacations and time off, Charlie has been working the same gig for 46 years. That boggles my mind.

Passionate about his work. The day band defers to him in all personnel matters, and questions about musical styling.

A famous anecdote relates that in the mid-1980s, an intoxicated Mick Jagger phoned Watts's hotel room in the middle of the night asking where "his drummer" was. Watts reportedly got up, shaved, dressed in a suit, put on a tie and freshly shined shoes, descended the stairs and punched Jagger in the face, saying: "Don't ever call me your drummer again. You're my f-ing singer!"

His night job is leader/drummer for some of the greatest jazz combos of the last 20 years.

Charlie in what may be one of ADG's jackets.

Member Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, International Best Dressed list Hall of Fame, Drummer Hall of Fame.

Happy birthday, and thanks for the memories.



  1. Many Happy Returns to him. Charlie has always been my favourite Stone, the Dandy Drummer sans pareil. And I'll always love that anecdote

  2. First concert I ever saw...
    Another Dapper Dan on my list :)

  3. Toad...might be your best post ever. I've always loved Charlie Watts and idolized him when I was a dilettante drummer. I just scared my office mates when I howled an audible about the "my f___ singer" story.

  4. Way cool. Always showed more class than the rest. Loved the post.

  5. Doesn't everyone want to be a Rolling Stone for a day?
    Well, ok, a week.....
    C'mon, we all know it's true.

    Top shelf post, Toad! ! !

    WI reader
