Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wild Mountain Grape

We make every attempt to put on a good spread for our annual Preakness Stakes get togethers. This year we dusted off the chairs, bought plenty of ice, put the dogs out, washed the plastic cups, untwisted the Boones Farm, and waited for the fun to begin.

Go ahead and gasp at the extravagence. We know these are hard times, but our friends have come to expect a feast and who are we to deny them. An afternoon to forget their troubles, is that too much to ask? "Let them use plates", that's my motto.

I'm sorry. I've skipped my meds and have those ugly flashbacks again. Allow me to start over.

Remember this swill? Don't kid yourself, you've had it. Boone's Farm Wild Mountain Grape, Strawberry Hill. Served very cold, when you are 16 it isn't half bad. Did you know they still sell it?

Trick is, its not wine anymore. Its a malt beverage. Saves on taxes I understand. I found several reviews on Google. Seems it's still the perfect summertime quencher.



  1. Strawberry Hill was my first drunk. We rode our bikes. And smoked Swisher Sweets.

  2. Toad...I'm headed to church...lot's of thangs from this week that need confession. But..not before I respond to this one. The 1970's have been haunting me lately and I'll post on the decade at some point. Boone's Farm was one of THE icons of my high school years...that along with Cold Duck on special occasions. Man what a blast from the past. I think that they had an apple flavored version no?

  3. My mother, sister and I just sold my late father's spirit store. We sold a train load of Boone's Farm. Yes, ADG, there still is an apple. I haven't drank any since high school, but I know people with MBA's that say that the Sangria is great. I haven't the nerve to try it.

  4. Another special treat from those days was Lancer's Vin Rose. My children read this,or I'd expound.

  5. Let's not forget Mad Dog 20/20. A favorite in college. Ugh.

  6. LOL I was mouth-agape at the start of the post...

  7. When we had our wine and spirit shop, Boone's Farm was a big seller -- and people certainly had their favorite flavor!
