Friday, May 8, 2009

Wedding Season

Remember the first time you did hand to hand combat with champagne?

Probably someone's wedding reception. Had too much didn't you? The smell, the bubbles. Took years to overcome the memory of the memories. A couple of years at least before you could go back to the well.

Mayhaps, you tip toed back into the fray via Cold Duck.

Cold Duck was the unholy marriage of NY sparkling wine with California red. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. Went down easy, came up fast. Fortunately, I haven't seen it in years.

So now it's wedding season. You're big and supposed to enjoy Champagne. The drug of choice for celebrations. Only in moderation for me please. The memories come back when I least expect them.



  1. I had forgotton about cold duck -- and then I remembered champale -- alas, thought I was so sophisticated!

    Now "champagne" comes in all flavors -- strawberry, raspberry, peach. Some are good and some aren't. Could flavored champagne be the "cold duck" of this century?

  2. I MISS Cold Duck. Your "comes back up fast" had me howling. I think I did just that...on a yellow polyester tuxedo...Prom Night.

  3. I went a round or two with Cold Duck myself. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and there was a young man at the next table who had three glasses of champagne while we were there. We were a little envious, honestly.

  4. Champagne is my drug of choice.

    Now tequila/tokillya , I can't even smell it 30 years later, that night in Mexico was true aversion therapy.

  5. If champagne is combat, then just call me Ninja. It is my social weapon of choice.

    Hilarious, hilarious post.

  6. I had completely forgotten champale. Touche, Martha

  7. We all have that one thing. Mine was Southern Comfort. Over did it at 21, and haven't done it at all since.

    I recommend the sparkling malbec I recently mentioned on Channeling Bunny. Reginato "Celestina" Sparkling Rose of Malbec. Cellar Rat or Red X in KC, also available from some of the online wine merchants.

  8. I'm reminded periodically, of a terrible night in Dallas, duelling with a tequilla bottle. I have no memory of it myself, but then I don't drink Tequilla...anymore.

  9. Anybody else remember Malt Duck? Oy God. Worse than Cold Duck, trust me. Thirty years ago and the bile still rises. . .

  10. That's sick. Cold duck and malt liquor?
