Monday, May 25, 2009

I promised myself the weekend off, but couldn't resist

Stolen completely from Yahoo news

Horror story printed on toilet paper in Japan

TOKYO – In a country where ghosts are traditionally believed to hide in the loo, a Japanese company is advertising a new literary experience — a horror story printed on toilet paper.
Each roll carries several copies of a new nine-chapter novella written by Koji Suzuki, the Japanese author of the horror story "Ring," which has been made into movies in both Japan and Hollywood.

"Drop," set in a public restroom, takes up about three feet (90 centimeters) of a roll and can be read in just a few minutes, according to the manufacturer, Hayashi Paper.

The company promotes the toilet paper, which will sell for 210 yen ($2.20) a roll, as "a horror experience in the toilet."

Toilets in Japan were traditionally tucked away in a dark corner of the house due to religious beliefs. Parents would tease children that a hairy hand might pull them down into the dark pool below.
I offer this to any would be storytellers as an example of the oldadage that hope springs eternal, or to sales folks as a reminder that PT Barnum may have been right after all.


  1. I'm probably the lone wolf here, but I think it's a great idea. I wouldn't want a horror story necessarily, but short fiction? Sure.

  2. I gotta get me some of this stuff! LFG will love it. Besides Toad, I've got an extra $250.00 bucks to spend since Jos.A. Banks can't find me the patch madras sportcoat in a 38 Regular. I've been hankering for that puppy since you posted about it.
