Thursday, May 28, 2009

An exercise in futility

Ever had one of those days? Forecast Wednesday was for sunny skies temps near 80. We've had 3 inches of rain so far today. So I've been an inside Toad much of the day, beating my head against the wall in an attempt to come to grips with rampant stupidity. Not just mine.

First the bank calls about our refinancing. "It appears from your tax return you only earn $50 per year. How do you expect us to approve your application?" Life's more than a tax return I replied. Ya, but..... Sheesh

Next. Have you ever attempted to buy a fish? Not a gold fish in this case. I am trying to buy a pair of grass carp, to eat the weeds in our pond. The going rate is $5 per fish. Delivery is $100, cash. I suggest I'd pick it up from the hatchery. Well no, I'm not a licensed fish hauler.

Do fishermen need to be licensed fish haulers too? Apparently After half a dozen calls I find an outfit that will sell me a pair of fish. Did you know fish can't leave the state? I can pick it up. It's 150 miles away.

Don't even get me started on the insurance adjusters report, or the house appraisal. I feel like Scarlet O'Hara.

Sorry for the rant, I needed to vent.



  1. Toad...unfortunately the world of customer service and genuine desire to accomodate even the most basic requests has passed us by.

    Banks...I used to know my Banker. Got no clue anymore. And the last time my local lender refied me, the paper was sold to a sweatshop in Texas the next day.

    Fish...I gotta get me a Fish Haulin' certificate along with a Dolphin.

    It's time to start the Country.

  2. Toad,you are strumming my tune! ADG summed it up appropriately. I chalk it up to my getting older & wiser as I am frustrated on a daily basis with customer service or the void of it. Makes a person frustrated, certainly but very sad as well. Glad to know I am not alone in my angst!

  3. The planets must have been aligned for trouble. I got home yesterday to a warm freezer. Didn't lose too much food, but the real tragedy was the defrosted martini glass.

  4. Take a tip from a Kansan. Call your local Orschlen's and ask when the fish guy will be there next. He can fulfill all of your pond stocking needs. To make it easy here is the contact info:

    2246 West Osage Street
    Pacific, MO 63069
    (636) 257-5277

  5. It's like Wally World for farmers, only less expensive. While you're there why not look at the chickens and ducks. It's never too late to start raising backyard poultry.

  6. It's supposed to be sunnier today. That should help everything.

  7. Gail, northern CaliforniaMay 28, 2009 at 9:15 AM

    Oh lord, don't ask me why but the two responses received from FreeKansas really tickled me. "Wally world for farmers" had me laughing out loud. He's your no-nonsense kind of a guy, got to the heart of the problem and provided a solution. You've got to give us an Orschlen follow-up, Toad.

    Customer service? What's that?

  8. I'm not certain I know how to speak farmer, but I'll give it a shop. Thanks.

  9. Did I happen to mention I woke up on an island this morning. last night's rain washed away our culvert.

  10. Not Again! I'd have a talk with your contractor. Maybe he has a buy 3 get the next one free program.

  11. I love a good rant. What a rip off on the fish hauling. A true scam.

    And, as to the culvert. Just accept the moat and enjoy the castle living.
