Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Siting

As much as I love to complain about the giant rats at our house, I still like that they are around. They have a lot to teach, and apparently they like it here too. Allow me to explain.

It's birthing time for the deer. If you don't know the drill, it comes as quite a surprise to a homeowner to find a new born on your doorstep. Suddenly, you're a foundling home. Momma deer, to gather her strength after her ordeal, will leave her new born with a trusted family. In this case, Mrs. T and I.

When I first saw it, I thought it was dead, or dying and mom had abandoned it.

Being new to this myself I called the local animal control folks. They were most helpful. They explained that we were baby sitting. Mom went off to eat and rest for a while, while her baby gathers its strength. In a couple of hours mom will return and all will be well.

Also, put the pets away, and keep away from the doe. It will imprint almost immediately, and they make bad pets. so that is what happened.

About 2 hours later mom came back looking for her baby.

This was fascinating. As you can see the baby has a rock ledge on one side and a fence on the other. Mom would walk up and down the perimeter of the fence calling its baby. I'd never heard a deer call. They sound like ducks.

As soon as the baby heard the quack it was up, and walking the fence line. Mom would saunter up the drive and call. Baby would follow. Mom would walk down the drive and call. Baby would follow. This went on for almost an hour. I had no idea how the baby would get out, so eventually I opened the tractor gate.

Soon without so much as a bye your leave, mom and baby were through the gate and into the woods.

Another day at The Park, cigars all around.



  1. Toad....makes me miss rural-country life. Great story. LFG will love it.

  2. Who knew? I wish I had a call like that & my teen would follow. What a lovely post. Makes me miss the rural life too. I chuckled with the "cigars all around" Thanks!

  3. Very interesting. I never knew that about deer. Such a cute baby, and nice header too!

  4. My mother often deposited me at the pool at the club while she played golf...

    Seriously though, how interesting to learn that. They're so vulnerable, the moms must be very particular about where they leave them. Glad you guys are there to provide a safe spot.

  5. I'm glad you enjoy the header. Seemed more seasonally appropriate, although the pic was taken in January.

  6. Informative and a little whimsical. I enjoyed that

  7. How incredibly sweet. I don't know if you've ever gotten a glimpse of a deer in colorado, but they are not that adorable, they are scruffy and mangey.

  8. What an incredible event... it makes me glad. And that you caught the kiddo with the camera - even better.

  9. This my dear Toad is why I miss Moaningtana. I miss my daily interaction with the deer. They just didn't want to come back to Sunny Californica with me. I can't say as I blame them.

  10. That's a nice story. It's funny about the sounds deer make. When I was at the cabin last summer, I heard them. Sounded like a sort of bark.
