Sunday, April 26, 2009

Did Ralph change Lauren?

OK, I didn't do my homework. I relied on my fragile memory, and trusted my retailer. I think I screwed up big time.

First, let me state unequivocally that Lauren is my favorite women's fragrance. It buckles my knees, every time. Mrs. T doesn't wear it, and I felt the need to rectify that situation.

So a suitable event occurs, and I take in a supply. Wrapped nicely I present my prize, anxiously awaiting Mrs. T's oohs and ahhs. She opens, does the reluctant spray bit on the wrist, and I gag. That's not Lauren.

Oh it's fine says she.

To humour me, occasionally she'll wear it, or spray it around. It's ghastly, and I'll never be able to replace it with a good batch. They didn't reformulate it did they?


PS: I find all of Ralph men's fragrances awful.


  1. Yes, "Lauren" is reformulated - stripped of its soul, really.
    Probably to make it cheaper to produce.

    RL also discontinued their "Safari" perfume.

    Not a good surprise, I'll bet, after anticipating a nice spritz and PHEW.

  2. They did the same thing with Grey Flannel. I used to love that scenet on men and now peeeuw. Lagerfield on men used to make me melt now not so much.

  3. The best comparison I can come up with is this. You anticipate that what is in the glass is Dr. Pepper. Turns out its root beer. The root beer is ok, but not what you wanted.

  4. Whhaaa??? I wear Lauren from fall thru winter like it's a religion and have ever since highschool. Please, please say it isn't so. I just restocked back in September at the Polo outlet and everything was kosher scent wise. Is this a recent turn of events? I will have to go into mourning if they've retired the original scent! Omg, I'm going to have to buy every bottle off the outlet shelf the next time I drive thru Queenstown as a precautionary measure. I just went from an extreme high from receiving your award to a real low. That G'town cupcake just turned into a bakers dozen...

  5. Ralph's "Romance" smells very pretty. Might make for a good back up.

  6. Allie will you email a spritz periodically?

  7. Probably a new licensee (most designers don't manufacture their own fragrances, sunglasses, etc.). Maybe, try one of those "designer imposters" from CVS...might be closer to the old configuration.

  8. Seems odd that a fragrance formula would change even if the license was up or mfg. facilities changed. Maybe it was a bad batch (mistakes do happen) or perhaps even old and/or sat in the sun or got overheated somehow. Same thing happened with a bottle of Channel #22 which I purchased via ebay since I couldn't get to Europe to get my supply - turns out it was a VERY old bottle and the scent just wasn't the same. Purchased a new bottle recently and all's well again. Let's hope that RL didn't change Lauren, it was one of my favorites too. Now I'll have to give the testers a whirl next time I'm out.

  9. I do not know how Lauren smells ( I have to have a sniff in the shops now! ) but - many perfumes have been re-formulated because they are saving money or the ingrediants have been banned.
    My beloved Jicky parfum is not the same anymore. I feel your pain.

  10. The original RL fragrance caused my knees to buckle. Loved it, miss it, too bad they changed it. My wife has a decent qty left in her bottle. Oh, but when it is gone...
