Monday, March 30, 2009

Spring in Colorado

With Spring officially here and Easter right around the corner, I would like to applaud Mother Nature for once more having a sense of humor when it comes to Spring in Colorado. Two Sunday’s ago it was a balmy 80 degrees. I sat on my deck with my husband sipping Margaritas and daring to believe that it was time to put away all of my sweaters and dig out my spring and summer clothes. HA! Four days later there was 18” of snow in my back yard and blizzard warnings throughout the state. Over the weekend, it was sunny and relatively warm so that most of the snow melted leaving us with a wet, slushy mess. The news last night called for “slight chance of snow in the Denver area with little to no accumulation”. Another Ha! Woke up this morning and my yard was covered and the deck had another inch of two of wet, snow. Apparently meteorology is a guessing game. The forecasters here are wrong more than they are right and still bring in 6-figure incomes. Oh and another thing… If one more person says to me “We need the moisture so badly” I will scream. I get that we are in a drought and absolutely need the moisture but it’s spring…let it come in the form of rain. If I don’t see any more snow until next fall, I will be a happy girl. Unfortunately for me it looks like there are several opportunities over the next week to come to terms with the fact that Spring may have arrived in some places but definitely not in Colorado.

1 comment:

  1. Katy, I'm with you girl. It's snowing again here in Moaningtana. Oh well...we really need the moisture. ;)
