Monday, February 2, 2009

You're it

Frequent commenter News Readin' Wife of the fabulous Breaking News has awarded the Your Blog is Fabulous Award to our humble missives. I am flattered and grateful. The award comes with the usual caveats and requirements. They are as follows:

"This fabulous award comes with a few rules: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are fabulous. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award," sayeth NRW.

I take all challenges seriously, sorta. That said, many of my favorite bloggers are black and blue from being tagged more often than a girl cousin at the family reunion. So forgive me if I pass by some of my favorite blogs, and let you in on a few secrets I really enjoy. If you are truly miffed that I did not specifically include you, please include yourself. No harm done.

My friends allow me to share with you my secret stash. 6 girls, 4boys

The Girls

1. Ms Mindless: Ms mindless is a long time frequent commenter here. Ms is a soon to be married kindergarten teacher in Washington DC. Her blog focus's on students, family and upcoming nupts. My daughter and I get a kick out of sharing in her life. mindless musings on my average life

2 Gladys: Gladys sorta reminds you of a wonderful Alice Kramden. I doubt she'd take sass from anyone. Usually her posts have me crying I am laughing so hard. Gladys Tells All

3. Country Doctors Wife: The Country Doctor's Wife

4. Eat Play Love:Eat Play Love is written by a long time family friend. I wouldn't forget Denise for the world.

5. Pink Cupcakes and Tab: Pink Cupcakes and TaB I think this goes to about half a dozen women, who are all in cahoots. I have been lurking here for ages and rarely stop in to say hello. I am ashamed of myself.

The boys

1. An Affordable Wardrobe: Joe is a clothes dude,an inveterate thrifter, husband, dad and architech. A pretty all 'round good guy.An Affordable Wardrobe

2. Midwestern Malaise: Midwestern Malaise I love Kansas City and Kansas Citians. This is one of the few blogs my daughter and I discuss regularly.

3. Advice to my sons:Advice to My Sons somehow I was fortunate to find this blog about an hour after his first post. It's one I check very early in the day to see what's new. Common Sense pours from his keyboard.

4. Today's Gentleman: I love this blog, mostly because I so often disagree with it. The man cares a lot, has a lot more spunk than I do, and is becoming a pretty good writer.Today's Gentleman

There is also a super secret winner, to whom I will not write, but will include anyway. Garance Dore garance doré . For those who read the Sartorialist religiously as I do, this woman is a much better photographer. Wish I kept up my high school French.


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