Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm a sap for a good love story

It's been rightly said in our family that I could cry over a good steak. It doesn't take much to turn on the waterworks. I'm particularly a sap for a great story.

That may be why I look forward to the Nuptials in the Sunday Times. I particularly love the stories of the old folks getting married.

Last Sunday was a classic tear jerker for me.

Couple meets on a train in France on a school sponsored trip 1960. They have a nice time together, but at the end of the trip they part, she to be with her future husband, he to finish college and head to medical school. They don't see or speak to each other for 47 years.

Over the years she marries and divorces twice, and is in a long term relationship but her partner had the temerity to die. The Doctor marries and has three children.

In 2007 the group that sponsored the college trip asked our bride to be to write a story about the trip for their magazine, and provided her with a list of contacts, including our hero. He dutifully filled in the gaps to his life. She wrote the article and once again they lost touch.

In Feb 2008 the good Dr. writes the Mademoiselle, saying his wife of 39 years had recently died, and asked if she had any advice. She told him to grieve. A month later he wrote back, they reconnected, fell in love and February 1, 2009 they married.

Hand me the tissues.



  1. I read it last week....great story. It was funny to come home as a Freshman in college, watching my mother "court". My dad died when I was 15 and my mom finally went out with a guy from church two years later. He was a widower and they ultimately wed.

    Their love was sublime and my mom's second marriage was textbook for how I want my next one to be.

  2. That is so sweet. I love stories like that.

  3. You know, we almost always read these on Sunday, but didn't this week. And this has to be one of the alltime best, thank you *so* much for posting it!

  4. Tony Bennett was right. Love IS wasted on the young.

  5. Toad I think it's sweet that you read the nuptials.

    I have to say my Dad and Doe's love story has always brought a tear to my eye. I mean to think they were "Valentines" in first grade and 65 years later they end up getting hitched. Makes me cry every ding dong time.

  6. Very touching. Thanks for the post.
