Friday, January 23, 2009

The First Daughters

Ty, the company that makes the Beanie Babies has recently introduced two new dolls named "Sweet Sasha" and "Marvelous Malia. According to a Ty spokesperson, the dolls names do not refer to President Barack Obama’s young daughters. The names were chosen because "they are beautiful names," not because of any resemblance to Malia and Sasha Obama. Right! The Sasha doll has pigtails and wears a white and pink dress with hearts. The Malia doll has a side ponytail and a long-sleeve shirt with capri pants.

Maybe it's just me but something about this is just wrong. These are people..not Beanie Babies. These girls were thrust into the spotlight by the fact that their father chose to run for the highest position of elected office in this country. Don't get me wrong.. I am a huge supporter of our new president but I think it's kind of tacky that we are capitalizing on his two little girls and creating dolls in their likeness. Oh.. sorry.. I forgot... NOT in their likeness. My bad. Pure coincidence.

I’m sure to many, Sasha and Malia (the real ones..not the dolls) are considered role models. They demonstrate to many that opportunities are everywhere and I'm sure that there are many little girls who would love to run out and get these dolls. If these dolls serve a positve purpose, and not just to put money in Ty's bank account, I encourage it. Hopefully the real Sasha and Malia will adapt well to life in the White House and will be able to retain their privacy and have fun being the little girls that they are. I wish them the best.


  1. Well next week I think that Ty should introduce a "Gladys" beanie baby. Oh and a Toad beanie baby to acknowledge the blogosphere

  2. I worry a little about the Obama girls. On some level, they're losing their parents, even though I believe the President and First Lady have their interest and well-being in mind every moment of every day.

    I was glad to know that Mrs. Robinson is moving with them. Having the "First Grandma" there beats even the best staff members who might have been charged with watching them on occasion.

    All of that said, living in the White House is an experience very few young women will ever have, so in the end I have to think they'll benefit. I certainly hope so.
