Friday, October 24, 2008

Noggin and Natterings

I have no idea how this happens, other than perhaps via the ramblings of an unstructered brain, but what I most enjoy about blogs and bloggers is the unforseen paths they lead me down.

I'm certain you too have been down this lane. You read a blog and like it, follow a link or two of their favorite blogs, read the comments follow a couple of them, you never know where you'll end up, but it's always an hour later.

For instance, I have found several great books, I would have never heard of, this way. Whoever suggested "Thirty Nine Steps" I thank you. Ms. Mindless I thank you for your erudite explanation of not only the photo but derivation of Tuesday's post. I hope the illustration touches upon the subject.
To the many others who have commented publically or otherwise on or about TTMB I am grateful, especially to those who have taken me to task.

But best of all I appreciate the window the blogging community offers to open my mind, clear the cobwebs, learn new things, meet new people and see things I would never have never seen, have access to, or even considered. Ideas that may be out of my cultural or comfort zone, or those which let me offer suggestions or bits of advice on topics I actually know something about.
I'm often amazed by the "glad I was there" kind of feeling that comes from connecting to someone's story.
Picks and Pans
Picks: If you have young boys at your house you probably know this one. Have you ever seen "Back to the Barnyard" on Nick? Young Grandson was over the other day and turned it on. I nearly hurt myself laughing.
Pans: Mrs. T and I have differing views of what to watch on television. My tastes are neither better nor worse than hers, just different.
Thanks to TIVO I was subjected to a round of The desperate (sorry, real) housewives of Atlanta last evening.
Several comments and questions ensue:
1. Am I the only idiot who believes that Kim's secret boytoy is married?
2. Why do I think the only endearing person on that show is NeNe's husband?
3. Do they still have names for girls who trade favors for stuff?
Pan 2: I am a lifelong Anglophile. A pyschologist could probably have a field day attempting to understand why, but let us all agree that I am. Somehow, I came across a copy of the book, "The Anglo files, a field guide to the British" by Sarah Lyall, a New York Times reporter married to an Englishman and living in London. Sounds like mothers milk doesn't it?
I was terribly disappointed with it. Perhaps I am, along with being an Anglophile, also something of a puritan, but I was put out by Ms. Lyall wasting a chapter on the excessive British usage of a "word I can barely type" -her quote. A 4 letter, female perjoritive beginning with ****.
I think one of the few pleasures available to an author, is the privelege of writing what you want to write about. If the word offends, why spend time with it, much less a chapter. Certainly I didn't.
In conclusion, as Dr. Pangloss said, "This is the best of all possible worlds". It's our job to make it so. Enjoy your weekend. You've earned it. As long as you have gotten this far, stop in and say hello.


  1. i think that kim's secret boy toy is a big time atlanta african american musician or athlete who doesn't want to publicly date a white woman right now. (because that is NOT ok in the atlanta black community, especially if the white woman is trashy like kim). i bet she met the guy through nene.

    why else would kim have the connection of dallas austin, who is one of the TOP hip hop music producers right now? austin does NOT work with just anyone. she's got major connections, and big poppa is obviously it.

    also, i have clearly spent too much time thinking about this.

  2. what pop stars can actually sing anymore? i think britney spears' meteoric rise in the late 90s was the final nail in the coffin for the expectation that musicians should actually be able to sing well without being completely digitally remastered. so 'can she sing?' is not even the right question to ask. it doesn't even matter anymore. so sad.

  3. you know that now you HAVE to watch real housewives next week.

  4. people in the uk use that word all of the time. it made me flinch every time i heard it. they also drop the f-bomb into every sentence and use it as every part of speech.
