Monday, September 1, 2008

Opening Day

September 1st is the tradional opening day of dove hunting season in Missouri. When I was younger this fact took away much of the sting of the return to school, the end of summer fruit, and earlier sunsets.

I haven't shot in years, but I can still conjure up every image sight and smell of getting ready for the season to open. I enjoy just about all that is involved with upland bird shooting. My favorite though is watching a brace of good bird dogs doing what they were bred to do.

Over the past few years I have spent many a fall afternoon tromping through pastures with good friends and great dogs. If I am lucky, they'll give me some grunt job, and I'll feel like I'm doing something worthwhile.

Just before the birth of our firstborn, I gave my small cache of weapons to a friend for safekeeping. I haven't asked about them in many years, but I hope he is putting them to good use.

For better or worse the primal urge to up and kill something is creeping back. Perhaps I better keep out of the malls, and get to a trap range.

Just for grins I looked up the value of my trusty Winchchester 12ga the other day. It's better its gone. Knowledge is a very dangerous thing.


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